

A Telegram bot was developed to access Takocoin cryptocurrency exchange site. This bot allows the user to request the price of any supported cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash), and to make secure buy and sell operations without using the site.


Takocoin is a exchange site that allows the end user to exchange his/her cryptocurrency to another (for example Bitcoin for Litecoin). At the moment of this project, there was only a back end made as an API REST, without any front end. There was a need to test the robustness of the API before building the web front end and to allow people to operate the site (asking for prices and doing actual transactions) without using the web.


A Telegram bot that is added by the end user as a contact. The user can make price queries and initiate transactions. The bot is supported by an AWS Lambda function that is coupled to a webhook in the Telegram API. This function process the request and query the price database and the available virtual wallets to give the user an address to send their cryptocurrency. There are also housekeeping functions that run automatically to populate price database, and to generate offline virtual wallets using the Trezor device.

Technologies involved: AWS Lambda – API Gateway – Python – NodeJS – Trezor – MySQL – DynamoDB 


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